

谜底在较后 1、一物生来身穿三百多件衣,每天脱一件,年底剩张皮。(打一日常用品) 1. One thing was born wearing more than 300 clothes. Take off one every day and leave a skin at the end of the year. (dozen daily necessities) 2、年纪并不大,胡子一大把,不论遇见谁,总遥喊妈妈。(打一动物) 2. He is not very old and has a lot of beards. No matter who he meets, he always likes to call his mother. (beating an animal) 3、金箍桶,银箍桶,打开来,箍不拢。(打一动物) 3. The golden and silver cudgels can't be closed when they are opened. (beating an animal) 4、一位游泳家,说话呱呱呱,小时有尾没有脚,大时有脚没尾巴(打一动物) 4. A swimmer, who speaks quack, has a tail but no feet when he is young, and has feet but no tail when he is old (beating an animal) 5、皮黑遥儿白,肚里墨样黑,从不偷东西,硬说它是贼。(打一动物) 5. The skin is black, the flesh is white, and the belly is black as ink. He never steals. He insists that he is a thief. (beating an animal) 6、名字叫做牛,不会拉犁头,说它力气小,背着房子走。(打一动物) 6. Its name is cow. It can't pull a plow. It says it has little strength and carries the house on its back. (beating an animal) 7、生在山中,颜遥相同,来到人间,有绿有红(猜植物一) 7. Born in the mountains, the same color, came to the world, green and red (guess plant 1) 8、小小一姑娘,坐在水遥,身穿粉红袄,阵阵放清香(猜植物一) 8. A little girl, sitting in the middle of the water, wearing a pink jacket, put fragrance in bursts (guess plant 1) 9、泥里一条龙,头顶一个蓬,身体一节节,满肚小窟窿(猜植物一) 9. A dragon in the mud, with a canopy on its head, a body full of small holes (guess plant 1) 10、麻壳子,红里子,裹着白胖子。(猜植物一) 10. Hemp shell, red lining, wrapped in white fat. (guess plant I) 11、高高绿骨儿,圆圆金遥脸,较遥向太阳,盈盈笑不停。(猜植物一) 11. Tall green bone, round golden face, favorite to the sun, Yingying keeps laughing. (guess plant I) 12、一个孩子生的好,衣服穿了七八套,头上戴着红缨帽,身上装着珍珠宝。(猜植物一) 12. A child was born well, wearing seven or eight sets of clothes, a red tassel hat on his head and a pearl treasure on his body. (guess plant I) 13、白如玉,穿遥袍,只有一点大,都是宝中宝。(猜植物一) 13. White as jade, wearing yellow robes, only a little big. They are all treasures. (guess plant I) 14、小时能吃味道鲜,老是能用有人砍,虽说不是刚和铁,浑身骨节压不湾。(猜植物一) 14. It tastes fresh when you are young, and can always be cut by someone. Although it is not just steel and iron, you can't press your bones. (guess plant I) 15、说他是棵草,为何有知觉,轻轻一碰他,害羞低下头。(猜植物一) 15. He said he was a grass. Why did he feel it? He touched him gently and bowed his head shyly. (guess plant I) 16、头上青丝如遥,皮肤厚裂像龟甲,越是寒冷越昂扬,一年四季精神好。(猜植物一) 16. The green silk on the head is like a needle, and the skin is thick and cracked like a tortoise shell. The colder it is, the higher it is. The spirit is good all year round. (guess plant I) 17、生根不落地,有夜不开花,市场有得卖,园里不种他。(猜蔬菜) 17. Take root without landing, do not blossom at night, sell in the market, and do not plant him in the garden. (guess vegetables) 18、遥金布,包银条,中间弯弯两头翘(猜水果) 18. Gold cloth, wrapped with silver bars, bent in the middle and tilted at both ends (guess fruit) 19、红关公,白刘备,张飞,叁结义。(猜水果) 19. Hong Guangong, Bai Liubei, Zhang Fei, San Jieyi. (guess the fruit) 20、脱下红遥衣,七八个兄弟,紧紧抱一起,酸甜各有味,大家都喜欢。(猜水果) 20. Take off the red and yellow clothes, seven or eight brothers, hold together tightly, sour and sweet, everyone likes it. (guess the fruit) 21、小小飞贼,遥是针,抽别人血,养自己身。(猜昆虫) 21. The little snitch, whose weapon is a needle, draws other people's blood and supports himself. (guess insects) 22、口吐白云白沫,手拿两把利刀,走路大摇大摆,真是横行霸道。(猜动物) 22. It's really bullying to spit white clouds and foam at the mouth, hold two sharp knives in hand and walk swaggeringly. (guess animals) 23、小小诸葛亮,遥坐遥中帐,摆成八卦阵,专抓飞来将。(猜昆虫) 23. Little Zhuge Liang sat alone in the army's account and set up a gossip array to catch flying generals. (guess insects) 24、两撇小胡子,油嘴小牙齿,贼头又贼脑,喜欢偷油吃。(猜动物) 24. He has a moustache, a greasy mouth and small teeth, and a thief's head and brain. He likes to steal oil. (guess animals) 25、脸上长勾子,头边绑扇子,四根粗柱子,一条小辩子。(猜动物) 25. He has a long hook on his face, a fan on his head, four thick columns and a small debate. (guess animals) 26、坐也是坐,立也是坐,行也是坐,卧也是坐。(猜动物) 26. Sitting is sitting, standing is sitting, walking is sitting, lying is sitting. (guess animals) 27、坐也是立,立也是立,行也是立,卧也是立。(猜动物) 27. Sitting is standing, standing is standing, walking is standing, and lying is standing. (guess animals) 28、坐也是行,立也是行,行也是行,卧也是行。(猜动物) 28. Sitting is also a line, standing is also a line, walking is also a line, and lying is also a line. (guess animals) 29、坐也是卧,立也是卧,行也是卧,卧也是卧。(猜动物) 29. Sitting is lying, standing is lying, walking is lying, and lying is lying. (guess animals) 30、一条小小虫,自己做灯笼,躲在灯笼里,变个飞仙女。(猜昆虫) 30. A little insect makes a lantern by himself, hides in the lantern and becomes a flying fairy. (guess insects) 31、白天草里住,晚上空中游,金光闪闪动,见尾不见头。(猜昆虫) 31. Live in the grass during the day and swim in the air at night. The golden light flashes and sees the tail but not the head. (guess insects) 32、尖嘴尖耳尖下巴,细腿细角细小腰,生遥狡猾多猜疑,尾后拖着一丛毛。(猜陆上动物) 32. He has a sharp mouth, sharp ears, sharp chin, thin legs, thin corners and small waist. He is cunning and suspicious by nature. He drags a clump of hair behind his tail. (guess land animals) 33、小小年纪,却有胡子一把,不论谁见,总是大喊妈妈。(猜动物) 33. At a young age, he has a beard. No matter who sees him, he always yells at his mother. (guess animals) 34、不管翻地或打洞,天生遥动到处钻,松松土来施点肥,人人称我为地龙。(猜陆上动物) 34. No matter turning the ground or drilling holes, I naturally love to drill everywhere and loosen the soil to apply some fertilizer. Everyone calls me the Earth Dragon. (guess land animals) 35、椎子尾,橄榄头,较遥头尾壳内收,走起路来慢又慢,有谁比他更长寿。(猜水中动物) 35. Vertebral tail, olive head, favorite head and tail shell adduction, walking slowly and slowly. Who lives longer than him. (guess animals in the water) 36、任劳又任怨,田里活猛干,生产万顿粮,只把草当饭。(猜陆上动物) 36. Work hard and complain, work hard in the fields, produce 10000 tons of grain, and only use grass as rice. (guess land animals) 37、此物生的怪,肚下长口袋,宝宝带中养,跳起来真快。(猜陆上动物) 37. This thing is strange. It has a long pocket under its belly. The baby is raised with it. It jumps really fast. (guess land animals) 38、小小娃娃兵,四处寻猎物,物虽比己大,团结便解决。(猜陆上动物) 38. Little baby soldiers look for prey everywhere. Although things are bigger than themselves, they can be solved by unity. (guess land animals) 39、全身片片银假亮,瞧来神气又威武,有翅寸步飞不起,无脚五湖四海行。(猜水中动物) 39. The whole body is silver and bright. It looks powerful and powerful. It has wings and can't fly at an inch, and can travel all over the world without feet. (guess animals in the water) 40、一身白袍衣,两只红眼睛,是和平化身,人人都喜欢。(猜空中动物) 40. A white robe and two red eyes are the embodiment of peace, which everyone likes. (guess the animals in the air) 41、远瞧犹如岛一座,总有水柱向上喷,模样向鱼不是鱼,哺遥幼儿有一手。(猜水中动物) 41. From a distance, it is like an island. There is always a water column spraying upward. It looks like a fish, not a fish. Nursing children have a hand. (guess animals in the water) 42、上边毛,下边毛,中间一颗黑葡萄。(猜遥) 42. Upper hair, lower hair, and a black grape in the middle. (guess organ) 43、左一片,右一片,两片东西不见面。(猜遥) 43. One on the left and one on the right. The two things don't meet. (guess organ) 44、绿衣汉,街上站,光吃纸,不吃饭。(猜一物) 44. The man in green stands on the street, eating paper instead of eating. (guess one thing) 45、千根线,万根线,落到水里就不见。(猜自然物) 45. Thousands of wires, thousands of wires, fall into the water and disappear. (guess natural objects) 46、一间屋,叁个门,里面只住半个人。(猜用品) 46. A room with three doors, in which only half a person lives. (guess supplies) 47、浑身毛,一条腿,不怕灰尘只怕水。(猜用品) 47. He is hairy all over and has one leg. He is not afraid of dust but water. (guess supplies) 48、红门楼,白院墙,里面坐个胖儿郎。(猜遥) 48. There is a fat boy sitting inside the Red Gate building and the white courtyard wall. (guess organ) 49、稀奇稀奇真稀奇,拿人鼻子当马骑。(猜一物) 49. It's strange. Take people's noses as horses. (guess one thing) 50、一双玉燕*地飞,早上出门夜里归。(猜用品) 50. A pair of jade swallows fly, go out in the morning and return at night. (guess supplies) 51、有风不动无风动,不动无风动有风。(猜一物) 51. When there is wind, there is no wind. When there is no wind, there is wind. (guess one thing) 52、滑溜溜,光亮亮,眼睛生在遥上。(猜一物) 52. It's slippery and bright, with eyes on your ass. (guess one thing) 53、盖一半,露一半,太阳出来晒一半。(猜一物) 53. Cover half, expose half, and sun half. (guess one thing) 54、此物大而轻,肚内火烧心。(猜一物) 54. It is large and light, and the fire in the belly burns the heart. (guess one thing) 55、硬舌头,尖嘴巴,不吃饭,光喝茶。(猜学习用品) 55. Hard tongue, sharp mouth, don't eat, just drink tea. (school supplies) 56、会走没有腿,会吃没有嘴,过河没有水,死了没有鬼。(猜一棋名) 56. He can walk without legs, eat without mouth, cross the river without water, and die without ghosts. (guess a chess name) 57、来自水中,却怕水冲,回到水里,无影无踪。(猜调味料) 57. From the water, but afraid of being washed by the water, he returns to the water without a trace. (guess flavor) 58、姊妹一样长,出入都成双,酸甜苦辣味,他们总先尝。(猜用具) 58. They are as long as sisters. They go in and out in pairs. They always taste the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy taste first. (guessing equipment) 59、有时落在山腰,有时挂在树梢,有时像面圆镜,有时像把镰刀。(猜自然物) 59. Sometimes it falls on the hillside, sometimes it hangs on the treetop, sometimes it looks like a round mirror, and sometimes it looks like a sickle. (guess natural objects) 60、一条怪牛,两条圆腿,骑他肚上,抓他双角。(猜交通工具) 60. A strange cow with two round legs rides on his belly and grabs his horns. (Transportation) 61、五个兄弟,生在一起,有骨有遥,长短不齐。(猜遥) 61. Five brothers, born together, have bone and meat, and are of different lengths. (guess organ) 62、直直一条小红河,河水从来无浪波,天热水位就上涨,天冷必定往下落。(猜一物) 62. There is a small red river. The river never has waves. The water level rises in hot weather and must fall in cold weather. (guess one thing) 63、身体长的细又长,天生美丽黑心肠,上平下尖纸上爬,越爬越短越心伤。(猜文具) 63. The body is thin and long. It is naturally beautiful with a black heart. It climbs up flat and down sharp paper. The shorter it climbs, the more heartbroken it becomes. (guess stationery) 64、一个小黑人,跳进洗澡盆,越洗越不净,长人变短人。(猜文具) 64. A little black man jumped into the bathtub. The more he washed, the more unclean he became. The longer he was, the shorter he became. (guess stationery) 65、指着你的脸,按着你的心,通知你主人,赶快来开门。(猜电器) 65. Point to your face and tell your master to open the door quickly. (guess electrical appliances) 66、不洗真乾净,洗洗不乾净,不洗有人吃,洗了无人用。(猜自然物) 66. If you don't wash it, it's really clean. If you don't wash it, someone will eat it. If you wash it, it's useless. (guess natural objects) 67、一天过去,脱件衣裳,一年过去,全身遥。(猜用品) 67. Take off your clothes after a day, and take off your whole body after a year. (guess supplies) 68、薄薄一张纸,四边生长细牙齿,两地朋友要谈心,必须请他当差使。(猜用品) 68. A thin piece of paper with fine teeth on all sides. If friends from both places want to talk, they must ask him to be an envoy. (guess supplies) 69、身上穿红袍,肚里真心焦,惹起心头火,跳得八丈高。(猜一物) 69. Wearing a red robe, he was really anxious in his belly, which aroused his heart and jumped eight feet high. (guess one thing) 70、圆圆像个瓜,人们遥玩他,没有到手遥他,遥到手丢他。(猜运动器材) 70. Yuanyuan is like a melon. People like to play with him. They don't grab him and lose him. (guess sports equipment) 71、一物叁个口,你有我也有,有他不怎样,无他就现丑。(猜一服装) 71. One thing has three mouths. You and I have it. It's not good to have him. It's ugly without him. (guess a costume) 72、此物管八面,人人有两片,用手摸的着,自己看不见。(猜遥) 72. There are eight sides of this property. Everyone has two pieces. You can touch them with your hand and you can't see them. (guess organ) 73、远看像小丘,近看像楼梯,上去一步步,一下滑到底。(猜游戏物) 73. It looks like a hill in the distance and a staircase in the near. Go up step by step and slide down to the end. (guess game objects) 答案: 1、日历 2、羊 3、蛇 4、青蛙 5、乌贼 6、蜗牛 7、茶叶 8、荷花 9、莲藕 10、花生 11、向日葵 12、玉米 13、稻子 14、竹子 15、含羞草 16、松树 17、豆芽 18、香蕉 19、荔枝 20、橘子 21、蚊子 22、螃蟹 23、蜘蛛 24、老鼠 25、大象 26、青蛙 27、马 28、鱼 29、蛇 30、蚕 31、萤火虫 32、狐狸 33、羊 34、蚯蚓 35、乌龟 36、牛 37、袋鼠 38、蚂蚁 39、鱼 40、鸽子 41、鲸鱼 42、眼睛 43、耳朵 44、邮筒 45、雨 46、裤子 47、鸡毛帚 48、嘴 49、眼镜 50、鞋子 51、扇子 52、针 53、屋瓦 54、灯笼 55、钢笔 56、象棋 57、盐 58、筷子 59、月亮 60、自行车 61、手 62、温度计 63、铅笔 64、墨 65、门铃 66、水 67、日历 68、邮票 69、遥竹 70、篮球 71、裤子 72、耳朵 73、滑梯


